What Are These Kits All About?


Each kit is a self-contained, do-it-yourself course that enables you to bring together a group of parents, teachers, students, colleagues, staff, clients, friends or neighbors to solve common problems of living or working with children of all ages.

How Do I Get a Group Started at Home or at Work?


You can organize a group on your own, or through your school, house of worship, community center, “Y”, nursery school, PTA, library, adult education center, social services agency or business.



How Many People Should Be in a Group?


Each course was designed for six to twelve people. The programs, however, have also been used successfully by as few as two or as many as 100+.

What happens in the Workshop Sessions?
The chairperson is in charge of distributing materials, operating the audio player, and reading aloud simple directions from the Chairperson’s Guide. Participants will hear the authors’ voices conducting each session.

Participants follow along using their workbooks. As each new skill is presented, through cartoons and “true-to-life” dramatizations, the group will have a chance to discuss their reactions with each other and practice their new skills by doing exercises in their workbooks, role playing common problem situations and sharing their reactions with each other.

The format provides a warm, relaxed and enjoyable way for all members of the group to learn and practice valuable communication skills.

Can Teachers Use These Programs To Be More Effective in the Classroom?


Yes. The materials have been used successfully for teacher training courses in college and universities as well as for in-service training of teachers. The authors’ book, How To Talk So Kids Can Learn – At Home and in School, is a rich source of additional examples showing the “How To Talk” skills being used in the school setting. It is strongly recommended for teacher groups using the program.

Can Other Professionals and Those Who Are Not Parents Benefit From These Programs?

Yes. The principles and skills taught in these workshops can be used by anyone who lives or works with children. The material is ideal for social workers, guidance counselors, clergy, doctors, nurses, childcare workers, camp counselors, grandparents…anyone who has contact with children. The kits have also been used successfully in high school and college courses in Early Childhood Education.


Does the Chairperson Need Professional Training?


No. While the programs are widely used by mental health professionals, they were designed so that they can also be run successfully by any motivated person. No special expertise is required. The task of the chairperson is to guide the group through the different exercises by reading the directions aloud and playing the audio recordings. Faber and Mazlish “lead” the group. If a question arises, the chairperson is not expected to be the “answer person.” Instead, the question is turned back to the group for exploration and discussion.


How Long Is Each Session?

Each session runs one-and-a-half to two hours, depending upon the size of the group.

A Special Note to Mental Health Professionals.
The entertaining and true-to-life materials in the Faber-Mazlish kits have proven to be an excellent supplement to individual therapy, group therapy or family counseling.